Formal Techniques for Judicious Programming (FTfJP)


Formal techniques can help analyse programs, precisely describe program behaviour, and verify program properties. Modern programming languages (such as C#, Java, Kotlin, Rust, or Scala) are interesting targets for formal techniques due to their ubiquity and wide user base, stable and well-defined interfaces and platforms, and powerful (but also complex) libraries. New languages and applications in this space are continually arising, resulting in new programming languages research challenges.

Work on formal techniques and tools and on the formal underpinnings of programming languages themselves naturally complement each other.

The Formal Techniques for Judicious Programming (FTfJP) workshop is an established workshop which has run annually since 1999 alongside ECOOP, with the goal of bringing together people working in both fields.

In 2024 the name of the workshop was changed from "Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs" to "Formal Techniques for Judicious Programming" to properly reflect the broader scope of the workshop.

In 2002 the name of the workshop was changed slightly - from "Formal Techniques for Java Programs" to "Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs" - to include not just work on Java, but also work on related languages such as C# or Scala.

Steering Committee

The steering committee of FTfJP consists of:

Previous members:


Find links to the workshops, to the workshop proceedings, and to special journal issues with expanded and revised versions of the best workshop papers below.





Contact & Feedback

Feedback for this website is welcome! Feel free to open issues or send pull requests on the GitHub page.

For questions about a particular year, please contact the corresponding Program Chair.

For anything else, please contact Werner Dietl.